
cache 03: Shadow of the Tree

Diagrams have long been used to describe, claim, and produce the relatedness of human individuals and groups, animals, and plants. The tree form seems to have attained particular dominance, both within specific domains of practice and in historical scholarship. This pertains, moreover, to representations of non-organismic entities that draw from and flow back into the broad cultural history of the tree. And yet a wide variety of diagrams have been devised, sometimes in connection with the tree, other times as an explicit alternative, or as a novel or idiosyncratic invention. This volume, which brings together a commensurately diverse mix of historians of the natural and human sciences, social historians, philosophers, and historians of art and media, wishes to bring the variety of diagrammatic forms out from under the “shadow of the tree” – while also taking seriously the ubiquity of the tree and its implications.

In englischer Sprache mit Beiträgen von Ruth Amstutz, Caroline Arni, Charlotte Bigg, Andrea Ceccon, Claude-Olivier Doron, Niklaas Görsch, Petter Hellström, Michaela Hohkamp, Eric Hounshell, Stéphane Jettot, Sun Joo Kim, Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, Amos Kuster, Julián Míguez, Staffan Müller-Wille, Séverine Lepape, Lea Pfäffli, Stéphanie Prieto, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, David Sabean, Astrit Schmidt-Burkhardt, Amir Teicher, Simon Teuscher, Elisabeth Timm, Fiona Vicent, Hanns Zischler.

Herausgeber*innen: Eric Hounshell, Ruth Amstutz

Gestaltung: Loraine Olalia, Reinhard Schmidt
Cover: Reinhard Schmidt
Druck und Bindung: druckhaus köthen, Deutschland
Bildbearbeitung: Jolanda Suter, Reinhard Schmidt

16,8 x 24,5 cm
168 Seiten
Text in Englisch

Open Access:

ISBN: 978-3-907380-04-8

Copyright © 2024 intercom Verlag
Erschienen im Januar 2024


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